Welcome to the Neocities home of the Chronoverse!
Site created - 2.23.2024, currently under construction
You may be wondering what this is. In a nutshell, the Chronoverse (chrononaut universe) is a Lego Movie/Unikitty AU that attempts to tie the worlds of Lego together in one shared universe. My main focus is on the Warner Brothers related media that has been put out over the past ten years. It's a "what if" kind of universe that started with one question: "What if Rex Dangervest reappeared in the Unikingdom after the events of Lego Movie 2: The Second Part?"
I have been working on this AU since March 25, 2022. I've been publishing to Tumblr and AO3 since November of 2023. I'm choosing to add Neocities to all this for two reasons: 1) I remember finding some amazing fic on Geocities. This is me continuing that cycle of goodness since I still can (yes, I am that old). 2) Tumblr is rumored to be potentially feeding things to Midjourney. It hasn't happened yet as of me writing this, but if it does this Neocities site will be replacing it. Will people see this? Probably not as many as on Tumblr. This project was always for me. It will be here for someone else to find if it was meant to be found.
Feel free to look around. A lot of the stuff that will be here I have already published elsewhere. I'm just putting them in an easier to find place.
Please enjoy your stay, traveler.